Last August at a beautiful place up in the Catskills, Peter and I got engaged! I've been spending the last couple of months heads down in wedding plan mode leaving little to no time for recipe development or testing so it's been a little bit...

This last summer really really flew by! It was my first summer being back in New York after having spent the last few years living in California so I was really excited to be able to connect with old friends. It felt like there was...

You know how they say you don't realize what you have until you start missing it? I feel like I've experienced that quite frequently with all my moving around lately. When I was living in NYC I was yearning for open air and outdoor adventures...

Finally had the chance to head to Palm Springs for a little getaway and it was beautiful! I wanted to try a variety of different places and since we were only there for a couple of days, we decided to just get small bites at...

I recently posted about a trip to Maine that Sami and I took and when we flew home from Maine to LA, we flew out of Logan airport in Boston. I've only every been to Boston once before and that trip was for a work...

A new series of brunch and dinner pop-ups will be hitting NYC and Los Angeles this month! The (RED) organization has put together a new culinary campaign called EAT (RED) SAVE LIVES. They are working with PlaceInvaders to host intimate culinary events in secret residential...

I've been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit the Bay Area in California often. When I am there, I usually spend most of my time in San Francisco however, on the last trip I had a chance to explore the surrounding areas as...