Last August at a beautiful place up in the Catskills, Peter and I got engaged! I've been spending the last couple of months heads down in wedding plan mode leaving little to no time for recipe development or testing so it's been a little bit...

Just returned home from a two week long trip in Europe! I went on the trip with my fiancee, Peter! After getting engaged over the summer (perhaps I'll do a follow up post on that) we went on a celebration trip with both of our...

You know how they say you don't realize what you have until you start missing it? I feel like I've experienced that quite frequently with all my moving around lately. When I was living in NYC I was yearning for open air and outdoor adventures...

I recently posted about a trip to Maine that Sami and I took and when we flew home from Maine to LA, we flew out of Logan airport in Boston. I've only every been to Boston once before and that trip was for a work...

When I went to San Francisco earlier this summer, it was the first time I ventured over to Sausalito. We were up in wine country and making our way back down to the Golden Gate bridge when we decided to stop in the quaint little...

When I was in San Francisco I knew I couldn't leave until I tried Mr. Holmes bakehouse. For months I had been oogling over all the photos floating around Instagram saying "I got baked in San Francisco". I definitely had major FOMO hoping that eventually...